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Keep an eye on the Top Secret Facebook page for some outstanding and unique 2nd hand items

The Ultimate Elastic Rubber Bands - Yellow / Red

Now available in red..


Sandwich Mixto - Gary Jones

What is Sandwich Mixto I hear you ask, well it’s a specially printed gaff card that will enable you to do three changes of a card sandwiched between two jokers. You get the specially printed gaff plus three routines. This really is one of those effects where the gimmick does most of the work.
The great thing is, all you need is one other joker from your pack (it can be either red or blue backed, it makes no difference) and you pop these two cards into your wallet/purse/pocket and you’re always ready to go…You can even borrow a magician’s pack of bikes and perform this.
All the routines were filmed on the beach so if you don’t like any of the effects at least you will see the sun, sea and sand.

See demo Here

Price: normally £15 + P&P


I only have 1 left!

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Decepten - Chris Wardell

EFFECT: 10 number cards are fanned; every other one is tuned face down. A folded prediction is handed to a spectator for safekeeping.

The performer states that he has ten numbered cards, some face up and some face down. Have the cards been arranged to try to influence the spectator’s decision? Is there a number which appeals to more people than others? Why do some people consider some numbers to be lucky?

They are told to concentrate on a slip for a moment. They are told that they are about to take part in an experiment in numerology. They should name any number between one and ten.

The number is called and the corresponding card is revealed. The spectator opens the prediction and it matches exactly!

No table, No sleights, ideal for close up. Comes complete with specially printed cards, instructions and a BONUS EFFECT.

Price: £8

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New Age Spellbound - Diamond Jim Tyler

Effect: The magician removes a dark glass stone from a small drawstring bag. He then begins to rub it as if it were Alladin's Lamp. Magically, the stone becomes clear in appearance like ice. The stone changes color back and forth a few times and is then passed out for examination. Instructions include complete descriptions of:

The Cover Switch
The French Drop Switch
Reverse French Drop
Jimbo Switch
Kaps' Subtlety
and more!

Includes Everything You Need

Price: £12

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STC Coin Set

Wow! What a set of coins. A while back "Vegas Dream" was released and was basically this set of coins. It sold out pretty much before it hit the stores. This set is not only cheaper but the chips look better.

Whith this set of coins you can do so much more than the instructions have listed, including 3fly.

Made with the newer "replica" Morgan Dollars. These are very nice replicas. You will love this set.

A new custom-made chip version of the Double Face Super Triple Coin.

These chips feature vibrant colors that have the benefit of providing a strong contrast and undeniable change of transposition. They visually morph back and forth between silver coins and different colored casino chips.

Effects include:

Instant Change
A Morgan dollar and a casino chip instantly change to a Chinese coin and a silver coin.

Multiplying Silver Coins to Chips
Three silver coins successively appear, change to casino chips, and finally vanish.

Penetrate a Plastic Bag
A silver coin passes through a clear plastic bag, inches away from the spectator.

Of course, don’t limit yourself to the routines shown – using your imagination, you can come up with your own.

Comes with the coin set, 12 chip stickers and online instruction.

Price: £35

Sorry temporarily out of stock
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Indian Cups (Cups & Balls)






A beautiful set of Indian style cups for the cups and balls. Beautifully turned and polished in wood.

As new. (No balls.)

Price: £35

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Finally back with a vengance...
One the greatest tricks EVER!

Split Decision - Joe Riding

A trick with 3 climaxes………
A single playing card is placed face down on the table, this is "The Prediction". A pack of cards is introduced that has been literally cut in half. A card is chosen from each "half" of the deck. These are then placed side by side with the prediction.

The back design matches…Amazing…Not really I suppose, but then you show them that all the other cards from that half of the deck have a different coloured back.

Wouldn't it be better if the faces match… Not really because then they wouldn't match your prediction!

And lastly if they'd picked any other card from that half of the deck it would have messed up the trick completely. You turn over the cards and they are all blank !

Entirely self-working…Difficult to describe on paper but believe me it packs a punch. This sells every time I demonstrate it. It really is good.

Price: £20

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Comedy Glass in Paper Cone - Bazar de Magia

The magician announces that he will try to make an interesting experience, although he is not sure if he remembers it well.

The magician takes a sheet of paper and makes a paper cone. After that, he stops, and says (as talking to himself): "Was it this way...?...well, it does not matter too much..." And he proceeds with his trick." I have to put a glass inside the cone... yes, that is it, I remember now!..." (and he put the glass in the cone). At this moment, he shows to be hesitating again. Then takes the glass out of the cone and leaves it on the table, while saying: "...or no, I remember it right: the glass does not go into the cone..." Immediately he takes a bottle of water and pours the water into the paper cone, while saying: " I is important to pour enough water in the cone...." Again he hesitates and suddenly he exclaims: "...oh no...the glass had to be inside the cone!..." And he put the glass inside the paper cone. He shows now to be relieved, as everything is right. Slowly, he opens the paper cone: it is dry, and the glass is filled with the water! He takes the glass and toast for the successful experience!...

Complete, very easy to do, ready to perform. Also includes a second funny routine to be performed with an assistant or a clown.

Classic Line's Comedy Glass in paper Cone is made of super transparent heavy plastic specially designed by Bazar de Magia, it's size is big and works perfectly. This is one of funniest kids-show tricks with the quality of Bazar de Magia.

Price: £15

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Out Of The Blue - Mick McCreath

Here's an amazingly versatile mindreading effect that will astound your audience.

You show your spectator some cards with different numbers printed on both sides.

None of the numbers are repeated and nothing is hidden or changed; the same cards are used from start to finish.

You ask them to shuffle and place down the cards in a random face up/down combination.

At this point you demonstrate that had they turned over the cards in a different combination it would have generated a completely different number.

They are free to change their minds as many times as they like until they settle on a combination that they are happy with.

The numbers on each card are totalled up - you then pick up your wallet that has been on the table the whole time and remove an envelope. Inside that envelope is a card with a number on it that matches the generated number.

Within minutes of opening Out of the Blue you will be able to perform amazing self-working predictions.

The custom printed cards provided do all the work for you with a method that is so diabolically easy you will smile every time you do this!

With Out of the Blue you can:

Predict the number generated on the cards with 100% accuracy every time.
You can predict the number and a word on a page number in a book.
You can generate a random number and count down that many cards in the deck to find the card at that number. You then reveal you have a matching card in your wallet.
You can show a numbered list of random items, have a number generated and predict or magically produce that item.

These are just some of the things possible with Out of the Blue - once you get your hands on these cards your mind will be buzzing to find different ways of using them!

Here’s just 7 reasons why you’re going to love Out of the Blue:

Requires no memory work; the cards do it all for you
There is no calculation needed; the cards do it all for you
No palming
It is SO easy to do
It can be used for parlour or stage with larger reveals

You are provided with the custom printed number cards and other items so you can start performing straight away.

Price: £22

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Criss Angel

12" x 9" 2006 Calender

Signed in silver ink

Again Would look great framed, possibly the "calender" bit cut off which would make it 10x9-ish.

This was part of a one off limited run, put out by Murphys Magic back in 2005/6

Price: £29

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Deluxe Box of Tricks - Marvins

A unique, special edition set celebrating the 30th anniversary of Marvin’s Magic that contains professional magic tricks hand-picked by Marvin himself. We made just 3,000 of these top-selling sets, so it’s almost a collector’s item already!

We’ve taken magic sets to the next level to mark 30 years of Marvin’s Magic! This set features over 100 definitive magic tricks and professional-quality equipment even Marvin would be thrilled to receive!

Our limited edition Deluxe Box of Tricks comes beautifully presented in a unique, double-layered black-and-gold display case with red flock-fleeced interior.

This Deluxe Box of Tricks includes:

Dynamic Coins set: a modern classic, precision-engineered in solid brass.
Authentic Himber Wallet: a staple utility device of professional magicians worldwide.
Magician’s silk and secret gimmicks: for astonishing empty-handed vanishes and productions.
Professional-sized Magician’s Cups in impact-resistant ABS polymer and classic gold finish: Cleverly concealed gimmickry allows for many powerful effects, including
Classic Cups and Balls routine with cotton pom-poms.
Ingenious built-in Chop Cup feature with special crochet balls.
Unique Flying Coins routine, made possible through ingenious, undetectable engineering.
Svengali Cards: preferred tool of expert magicians for over a century.
Multi-purpose Miracle Cards: putting expert mind-reading and sophisticated card control within reach – without the years of frustrating study!
Coins and Cards Matrix: an acclaimed pinnacle of visual sleight-of-hand, made simple through deceptive gimmicks.
Cloth-bound hardback instruction book containing over 100 amazing tricks.
Magician’s Wand in classic black and gold
Collector’s Edition embossed Marvin’s Magic silver steel tokens.

RRP: £150

Your Price: £99
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Rattle Box

Davenports c.1940's

Again this beautifully made prop was probably made in Germany as were many of the wooden "tricks" of the earlier part of the century.

Cause any coin, ring etc. placed into the box to vanish and reappear at a location of the magicians choice. A very simple and deceptive vanish.

This particular model is in beautifully pristien condition.

No instructions

Price: £45

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Complete Don Alan Chop Cup book - Ron Bauer

This is a comprehensive depiction of Don Alan's theories, handling, and presentation of the Chop Cup. It's his way of doing it, not merely a replication of a single performance.

THE REAL WORK on how Don loaded, got the laughs and set up for doing his classic routine.

This is the first time all the subtle work has been published.

The 28 pages, with fabulous photos and drawings of "The Complete Don Alan Chop Cup" is all you could ask for and MORE.

Price: £10

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Elastic Invisible Thread Loops

If you want to do some "real magic", then there has not been a finer magician's gimmick in the last decade than the Elastic Invisible Thread Loop. It is one of the most practical of all invisible thread "systems" - you can wear it all day, and are ready to perform any time, any place, for any audience. They are completely invisible, and yet very strong. Modern technology has made this classic magicians accessories into a miracle gimmick that makes so much more possible - the material from which these loops are made was not available to magicians till a few years ago, even if magicians have used "invisible thread" for centuries. You can animate or levitate light objects. You can make a deck of cards cut itself for a haunted deck effect. Make a borrowed fork or a pair of spectacles move in an impossible manner. Once you start playing around with these, your imagination is the limit of its possibilities. This is not push-button magic. As for any good effect, you need to practice. But it is the easiest and most practical form of "IT" to handle and use.

You receive a packet of 5 loops, (you may break or loose one or two in the initial stages, but when correctly handled, each loop can be used for dozens if not 100`s of performances). Ideal for table hoppers, close-up workers, bar and cabaret workers, and with a little imagination even for platform and stage workers.

Price: £3

Special offer 2 packs £5

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Bang Card

A very novel prop for the discovery of a selected card. Forget expensive card swords...

A spectator selects a card from a deck. It is shuffled back into the pack. Performer introduces a large and colourful 'gun', and asks the spectator to ruffle the deck towards the gun.

BANG goes the gun and the selected card appears at the tip of the gun! The audible and visual combination of the production make for a stunning impact on any audience!

Yes, this works on the same principle as the BANG GONE Silk Vanisher prop, except that in this case it is a large and attractive Gun shaped prop, made durably in board, and offset printed in vibrant colours.

The card is forced for the effect, but we give you five cards in each outfit, so you can present this for the same audience with a different card for different shows.

Bang Card is a large stage size prop that enables you to present a card trick for a large audience. Packs flat.

Price: £9

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Siberian Transport Chain Escape

So what have you been up to in lockdown..." Let me tell you.

The Siberian Transport Chain Escape

Whilst here in "lockdown" I have taken every version of this escape and read every thing I can find that has been written Etc. Etc... I discovered that most variations available on the market, not only today but over the years, are not quite right.
The instructions mostly the same, some written better that others.
But the chain...
Every one supplies the wrong style of chain even the expensive "Olde Worlde" versions. In my research of the original transport chains, I have found this style of chain was the original style. (You can actually see this in the pictures of Houdini performing the escape!) Also with the exception a French variation that is quite ornate, the original Transport Chains looked the one I have now supplied. So you actually have a duplicate of the original escape that Houdini made famous!
I have had a few of these made (12) when they are gone I am not sure if I can get more done. I have taken all the instructions I can find and rewritten them and added a couple of bits to make them as easy to understand as possible. You can add this to your act almost immediately! (I have!)

Come complete with Chain, padlock and of course comprehensive instruction!

Limited number available...

Siberian Transport Chain Escape

This is the very same escape that Houdini had to stand in a German court of law to prove that he could actually escape from what was said by the German police to be inescapable.

He of course did escape and this very escape brought him more publicity than he could have ever brought for money!

The performer offers for examination a steel chain and a padlock. He is then securely chained and locked by a member of the audience. There is no doubt that he is tightly chained as the chain is seen to press deeply into his flesh. Instantaneously the performer frees himself in full view, leaving no clue to his method.

The chain and padlock are still intact and impossible to put back on without unlocking the lock.

Everything may be examined before and after the escape. There are no trick links, trick lock, etc., but there is a clever secret. The escape is easy, foolproof and instantaneous.

You can also put the spectator into the same chains and they will be unable to escape.

NOTE: Unlike most other versions available on the market some costing twice / three times more, this version is made using the same style of chain as used by Houdini. A duplicate of the original "Transport Chain"

Want to add something a little different and special to your act. Highly recommenced. You can do this!

Supplied complete with Chain and Padlock and of course comprehensive instructions.

Price: £18

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The erudite magi of mystery places three Tarot cards upon the table. "The Hanged Man", "The Tower" & "The Wheel of Fortune".

The spectator choses one of them… The magi of mystery proves that the choice was foretold!

A classic three way out card trick made in Tarrot cards.

Price: £6

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Mumbo Jumbo
Half Cut
- Will The Cards Match - Two Way Split

3 Miracles with large cards "cut in half"
(Each half a card is approximatley the size of a normal size poker card)

3 simple tricks that arevirtually self working.

Will the cards match?
Five playing cards are shown which have been literally cut in half. They are mixed, and dealt into two piles of five. With the help of the spectator, who choses which pile to work with each time, and each move, the cards are paired face down. When the pairs are revealed, they have magically paired with their correct other half!

Half Cut
The magician shows 6 large cards that have been cut in half they are made into a pile and mixed. The spectator chooses ANY number 1-12. The spectator is given the "half-a-card at that number. (They can even choose to count from top or bottom of the stack).
The Magician now spells the word "MAGIC" removing one card for each letter. The next card is placed with the previously chosen "half". Of course the two halves match.

Jumbo two way split - Nick Trost
The performer displays a number of Jumbo Cards which have been cut in half. After these are shuffled by a spectator, the performer writes a prediction which is held by a spectator. Two spectators each mentally note and remember one of the half-cards. Each spectator then removes the half card of which he is thinking. When cards are turned face up, THEY MATCH! And - the prediction is also shown to be correct!

No forces. Cards are freely mixed by the spectators. Prediction is made before the cards are selected.

Three great tricks that you can routine together or do each one separately.

Price: £6

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Conjurers Outfit

Cica 1950's

These sets seem to have come in a variety of "sizes", but mostly I have come across this one. 14 tricks.

The two sets below are almost identical. With one exception!
Box 1 has the wire spiral illusion.
Box 2 has a trick with ring and string.
Box 2 seems to be a slightly newer version. Possibly early 1960's

Neither box has any makers mark on them.

Conjurers Outfit - Box 1
Click on image to view larger picture

This set is complete and in pretty good condition throughout everything that should be there is there.

One small tear in the bottom edge of the box lid. A piece of the picture has ripped off where some sellotape was on the left side of the box lid.

Finally... If you look at the enlarged picture you will see where someone has drawn on the box lid. They have filled in the "S" in stage and written in the words. Also some scribbling across the words conjurers outfit.. Although not as noticeable as you expect. A couple of other small marks.

In all apart from the marks in nice condition

Price: £30

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Conjurers Outfit - Box 2
Click on image to view larger picture

Generally this set is in excellent condition. Its only flaw I can find is the top right corner of the tray has torn but is almost unnoticeable.

Otherwise it is complete and in very nice condition. No marks on the box at all

The colouring on the lid is very clean and bright. Although the contents are all but one identical, I would say this aimed at a slightly younger demographic.

Price: £35

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A touch of magic - Peter Pan
Click on image to view larger picture

Peter Pan Magic Set Series 7013

This lovely Peter Pan magic set seems to originate in 1969 from Peterbrough (UK) based Peter Pan Playthings.

It is still in its original cellophane wrapping although a couple of tears in the cellophane. It is still in Perfect condition throughout, the box included.

(Please remember these prices include postage!)

Price: £35

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The last bits of Fantasio I have...

FANTASIO World Famous Product features:

Professional Quality
No Danger In Handling
Fast Silent Operation
Safe Operation Oil Not Required
Harmless To Silks
Smaller Hand Load
Durable and Long Lasting
Will Not Cut The Hands

Vanishing Flute - Black

2nd hand

The Flute really plays! As quick as a wink the Flute disappears right before their very eyes and ears

A couple of small kinks in the plastic but still works fine

Price: £14

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Vanishing cane - Black 2nd hand

The Fantasio Vanishing Cane (Black) This is one of the most popular and visual stage effects in the world!

The magician steps forward on the stage twirling a cane between the fingers. Then he taps on the floor to prove it is solid. Holding the cane with both hands, one on each end, it instantly changes into two 24 inch silks or four 18 inch silks. It may be done surrounded and very close to the audience.

A couple of small kinks but hidden and unnoticeable works well

No instructions

Price: £14

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Color Diffusion - Gary Jones and Alakazam - DVD

Nothing in card magic wows a spectator more than the colour changing deck. That is why so many magicians use one in there act.

Gary Jones has created a packet trick that combines a great psychological presentation with a knockout colour change ending and because there are only a few cards used in the effect its perfect to carry in your wallet.

As a bonus we also include Gary's great Colour Remix effect. Colour Remix is an easy to do, fun to perform oil and water routine that has a killer kicker of the backs changing colour at the end!!

Comes complete with all the cards you need to perform both routines as well as a full instructional DVD outlining in detail both routines.

Easy To Do
Instant Reset
No Funny Moves Or Counts
All The Impact Of A Colour Changing Deck
No R & S

Price: £20

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Kate And Edith - Doc Eason & Kerry Pollock

(2nd hand)

Stand up comedy magic classic!

It features rhymed patter, which will have the audience rolling on the floor. The routine has been thoroughly audience tested in comedy and magic clubs all over the United States.

During the routine the King of Hearts is removed from between the Queen of Spades and the Queen of Clubs three times. Each time he manages to reappear. Finally, he vanishes in a cloud of laughter!

Comes with four Jumbo Cards, including the special gimmick. The cards are made of sturdy plastic, so they should last a lifetime.

So here's the story of this trick... I purchased this several years ago and put it safely away to learn at a later date. The Later date came, could I find it? NO! after turning both the house and shop upside down gave in and brought another. Several months later sorting through files etc... Guess what I find!!! Yup my original copy. As I don't two sets you can have this one!

This is the earlier edition. Just cards and instructions. No dvd.

Great compere bit and would nicely into any act (for the right crowd).

Used but in as new condition

Price: £50

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Well look what I found tucked away...

Magic Talking String

One the most novel ways of revealing a card EVER!

You run your thumbnail over this piece of red plastic ribbon and it talks to you. Yes really. Attach it to your card box and off you go to show your friends something really unusal.

The string says: "You chose the Ace of Diamonds"

Price: £3.50

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Ascension - Nick Langham and Alakazam (2nd hand)

A major breakthrough of a classic effect that will go straight into your repertoire!

Walk up to someone with two decks of cards. They choose one and deal through the cards to select any one they want. Keep in mind that you are totally hands off at this point.

They take a look at their card and just concentrate on the value of it. Now slowly and eerily a single, solitary card begins to emerge from the second deck; forcing its way out of the deck and into view. As the face of the card comes slowly into view the audience can see that it is the exact same card that they are thinking of!

Ascension is carefully hand made to be both durable and reliable out of Bicycle stock playing cards.

Totally self working and self contained Instant reset.
Ultra small gimmick can be added to your regular deck quickly and easily

instructional DVD containing bonus ideas & handlings

(2nd hand) Gimick is as new and one deck supplied you will require another normal deck

Price: £25

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Burning Connection - Andy Amyx

Have you ever wanted to produce a flaming business card from your wallet?

The Burning Connection wallet will ignite your business card. When you extinguished the card it then can be handed to a spectator as your "Burning Connection" This is absolutely one of the most impressive ways to presents your business card. The wallet is hand crafted. These wallets feature a thin rechargeable battery. Completely silent gimmick when the card is ignited and a safety on and off switch has been built into each wallet to prevent misfires.

This wallet cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 18.

Includes a USB battery recharger for the wallet!

Brand new (old stock)

Price: £25

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Splash Bottle 2.0 - David Stone

Splash Bottle is a gimmick that makes miracles possible. Created by Damien Vappereau and Jean Mark 16 years ago, David STONE uses Splash Bottle in his professional repertoire. It has earned him repeated standing ovations and is without doubt the best bottle production on the market.

In Splash Bottle 2.0 David STONE performs and explains his professional routine, a jealously guarded secret until now! Also included are detailed instructions and performances of 16 professional routines tested on real audiences.

16 routines and more ideas :

Classic Production
Paper Bag
Tadaa !
Spectator 2
Torn & Restored

Supplied with DVD and of course the Splash Bottle gimmick!

Price: £35

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Envy-lope - Chris Turchi & Brandon David

Paul Harris is in top form with this release, in which a deck of cards morphs VISUALLY into a white envelope.

"EXPERIENCE THE ENVY"A brilliant, envy-inducing , adaptation of the PH Vanishing Deck...for a guaranteed "TOTAL WHITE-OUT POWER SURGE" to any card routine!

A lonely lost card is about to appear in an envelope in your pocket...when "BAM!" the FULL DECK in your hands VISIBLY MORPHS into an ENVELOPE! BOTH SIDES of the envelope are IMMEDIATELY and CLEANLY DISPLAYED. There's NOTHING ELSE in your hands. The deck is REALLY GONE! There's now really ONLY AN ENVELOPE in your hands!

Your spectator now reaches into the envelope and pulls out her SIGNED CARD!


ENVYLOPE Morph is completely self-contained. Nothing to add or steal.
Option to start with your normal deck..and perform ENVYLOPE any time you feel like it.
Easy no-moves handling to give out the envelope for examination (although it's really not needed).
Re-sets in Seconds.
Perform surrounded
ENVYLOPE comes complete with DVD, sturdy, easy-to-handle, long lasting gimmick and normal envelope.

Watch your deck morph into an envelope and EXPERIENCE THE ENVY today!

Price: £33
Sorry Sold out
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Soft Touch Wallet Index - Tony Miller

The first wallet index of its kind. It collapses flat in your wallet, yet expands and holds separate playing cards, billets, photos or whatever you need organized in the wallet. Totally silent and a dream to use.

Whatever you are trying to find is standing up in your billfold and is easily removed and also EASILY REPLACED. This makes effects like K.K. By Kenton Knepper much easier and effects that originally required $300.00 wallets are now within everyone’s reach! Heirloom-type effects become so simple with this. A 16 card or photo index makes it all so much better. If you combine this with the Hip Pocket Bombshell wallet you will have a truly amazing utility device. But it converts almost any billfold into a multipurpose index wallet costing much much more.

Price: £16

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20-Oz. Production - Michael Lair

Originally appearing in Michael Lair's book "Stage Cool." Also featured in the June 2005 'Talk About Tricks' column by Joshua Jay in "MAGIC" magazine, and in Joshua Jay's Top 10 of 2005!


Produce a 20-Oz. bottle of liquid any time in your magic act. Works great for close up or stage work.

Comes complete with special gimmick, two 18" silks and detailed, photo illustrated instruction sheet.

Price: £20

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Sharpie Manual - Jesse Feinberg


Mini Sharpies are the newest accessories for magicians... This brand new collection of permanent marker effects has it all!

You'll learn how to make sharpies change color, multiply, shrink, and even vanish. A great visual recap effect is also included! The detailed instructions will teach you everything; it's all very easy to learn. If you already use sharpies as a magicians, this is a must have. Mini Sharpies are included so you can get started right away!

Price: £13

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Turbo Stick - Refill/Replacement

Turbo stick has been one of the most popular tricks of the last year or so.

Once in a blue moon they have been lost "borrowed" or broken.

May you just need a spare or two.

You prayers have been herd and answered.

Here we have replacement paddles. complete with red sponge ball and pens.

Price: £6

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Digital Video Deck - PsycheFx

The PsychFx Digital Video Deck combines a Hi-Tech "card at any number" with a series of of prediction, coincidence and mindreading effects, culminating in a unique give-away or promotional tool.

Richard Paddon has developed a unique concept from a wonderful idea by Dale A Hildebrandt and steadily the idea has exploded into a suite of impressive and cleverly conceived mental effects. Your client, spectator or booker receives a fully playable virtual deck of cards on a DVD. The DVD is not gimmicked in any way but it does hide a clever secret!

During your performance, a personalised prediction effect culminates in the spectator revealing their card at their chosen number using their own DVD player. And.....what's more............ this effect, whilst using a hi-tech aid, in no way uses technology. Clearly it is impossible to tamper with either the DVD or the DVD player.

You receive 2 DVDs. The first is the instructional DVD which features over 2 hours of impressive feats from the likes of Michael Weber, Daryl, Edward De'Ath, Nick Trost, Sean Taylor, Dave Everett and Richard Paddon. Sean and Richard walk you step by step through each effect with multiple methods, sleights, subtleties, hints and tips depending on your level of ability in cards and mentalism. Many of these effects are nearly self-working allowing you to concentrate fully on the presentation.

The second disc is your Digital Video Deck. This is your climax and, quite possibly, your most interesting marketing tool. It has been specially designed for use in any DVD player. This effect can be performed in any location where a DVD player is located. At no time do you need to be near the player. By purchasing this product you are agreeing to be bound by the rights extended to you. You receive full performance rights as well as our full permission to duplicate and distribute the Digital Video Deck to your clients in unlimited numbers.

7 Powerful routines

Almost 2 hours of detailed tuition

Dozens of profession tips, sleights, ideas and marketing ploys

Includes ideas from: Richard Paddon, Michael Weber, Daryl, Dale A. Hildebrandt, Edward De'Ath, Dave Everett, Sean Taylor and Nick Trost.

Very nice and exceptional promotional tool, and very easy!

Long since unavailable. Price was £35+

Price: £22

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Further Commercial Cold Reading
- Richard Webster - CD

Richard Webster's first recording, entitled Commercial Cold Reading, was one of our most successful audios releases ever. During October 2001 Richard Webster came to London and I was able to record this amazing follow-up to Commercial Cold Reading. Here on this CD, Richard teaches a wide variety of techniques and methods that can help you to earn your living as a Cold Reader. Richard is one of the world's leading writers on this subject and the practical knowledge and experience he has gained from giving countless readings, makes this CD vital for those who want to learn and use Cold Reading techniques. This is volume 2 in Richard Webster's cold reading series. Richard Webster was on his way back from the Frankfurt Bookfair in Germany and spent a couple of extra days in London so that Martin Breese and Richard Webster could make a new recording together. This recording updates all the information and provides valuable information that will help magicians improve their knowledge of cold reading. The slant in this recording is how to link magic and cold reading to great effect. A full routine is provided showing how a pack of cards can be used to give a cold reading.

Price: £15

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Celebrity My Choice - Your Choice

Ever wanted to perform night out with the girls but felt its not quite right for your audiences? Well now you can. Made with "Polaroid" style photos.

Naughty but not offensive, this can make a strong impact on an adult audience at the right time. Performer shows pictures of four popular attractive female celebrities, and one ugly one.

He demonstrates how one of the celebrities is to be selected by a process of elimination. Spectator believes he has eliminated the ugly celebrity, only to be surprised by an uglier one ! Supplied complete with instructions.

Price: £4

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Misers Dream Glass

Imagine producing coin after coin from thin air! This professional coin tumbler, with built-in coin delivery system, makes it possible!

Show both hands empty, then pick up this tumbler from your table. Instantly you start to to pluck coin after coin from the air. Coins from everywhere- each making a loud ringing as it hits the tumbler, to prove you've really dropped the coin inside.

Pull coins from a spectator's ear, nose, pocket- even let the spectator himself "catch" a coin from the air and drop it into the tumbler- hear it clink! The cleverly constructed gimmick attached to the tumbler lets you perform this classic miracle with only a minimum of practice to get your routine smooth. And you can use half dollar sized coins or quarter coins

You can also use the glass to vanish a borrowed coin for later production from another prop. You'll get the special stainless steel tumbler, with instructions.

Price: £12

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Lucky Card Deluxe - Wayne Dobson in association with Alan Wong

Lucky Card is Wayne’s go to signature effect.

Just imagine the spectator shuffles a borrowed deck of cards while you introduce your “Lucky Card”. The spectator then checks the cards and sees they are throughly mixed. You then ask the spectator to count down to their “Lucky Card”.

On the turn of the last card, you tell the spectator that this is their “Lucky Card”… You ask them to turn over your “Lucky Card” and they match!

This is as good as it gets and as had critical acclaim from magicians all over the world!

Wayne has always carried his “Lucky Card” in a bespoke holder. Made of high quality black and clear plastic so the spectator can see Wayne’s “Lucy Card” at all times. Magnets sandwich the “Lucky Card” between the two layers, making easy for the spectator to open at the crucial time. YES, the spectator opens the holder..

For the first time, this gorgeous “Lucy Card” holder is available to you. A talking point for your shelf at home and for carrying your “Lucky Card” around in.

If you don’t know or don’t have Lucky Card, then you are in for a treat. The holder comes with a full performance and explanation filmed at Alakazam studios with Dave Loosley. With no prior knowledge on how the trick works, Dave asks all the questions that most of you would ask and for the first time, giving a real one to one feel to this instructional digital video.

So whether you have Lucky Card, or are new to this phenomenal trick, we at DTrik : The Magic of Wayne Dobson have you covered.

No force
Regular deck of cards (that can be borrowed)
Can be performed completely “Hands Off” – The performer never touches the cards!

Price: £25

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The magician shows a piece of wire and then asks a spectator to choose a card from a deck. He picks up a lighter and passes the flame under the wire. Incredibly the wire starts moving by itself until, right in front of the spectator’s eyes… it gets into the shape of the chosen card!

A rare effect that is between magic and the kinetic power of the mind.

You can use wiregrams over and over again. People will often want you to "do it again" so we recommend getting more than one for the times this happens. They'll never be able to figure out how you did it, and it will look like real magic.

Price: £6 each

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